Language Placement Exams
If you plan to continue studying a language you began learning in high school, you must take the language placement exam before enrolling in that language at Trinity.
The Language Placement Exams are currently closed and will reopen during the next advising week.
This page is updated regularly. Please check back as advising week approaches for updates on the upcoming Language Proficiency Exams.
Who has to take the exam?
- Any student who studied a second language in high school, must take the exam for that language
- If you studied more than one language then you will need to take the exam for each language you studied
What are the exams used for?
- Proper placement – The language exam will place you in to the correct level course if you choose to continue to study that language
- Fulfilling the Second Language Requirement – If you are placed in to level of 202 or higher your will have fulfilled the requirement
You will have fulfilled your language requirement if:
- you placed into a level of 202 or higher on the Trinity College’s Language Placement Exam (the department of Language & Culture Studies encourages you to continue to study that language or start a new one)
- Are an international student whose primary language is not English;
- Completed a minimum of one year of study at a secondary school at which the language of instruction was a language other than English, as certified by an official transcript from the school (usually submitted as part of the student’s application for admission to Trinity);
- Provide the Registrar’s Office with official certification that you have attained the indicated score for:
- A foreign language on any of the following standardized tests:
- SAT II (600 or above)
- Advanced Placement (4 or 5)
- International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examination (5, 6, or 7)
- United Kingdom “A” Level General Certificate Examination (grade of A, B, or C)
- Any subject on the French Baccalaureate (12-20), German Abitur (7-15), or Swiss Matura (5 or 6)
- A foreign language on any of the following standardized tests:
- Are a transfer or IDP student who has taken the appropriate college-level courses in a language other than English as an undergraduate student at another institution. The Registrar’s Office will review the course(s) and grade(s) on your official transcript and determine if you have fulfilled the second language requirement in consultation with the chairperson of the Department of Language and Culture Studies.
For further details on fulfilling the requirement, please visit:
Please contact Wendi Delaney with any questions:
The language placement exams are mandatory for all incoming students who had studied a second language in high school. If you are an incoming new student please click here to get to your starting out page for links and deadlines to take the Language Placement Exam.